Monday, June 4, 2007

Student Loans: How The Heck Am I Supposed to Pay For All This?!

As an undergraduate, I was never worried about the financial obligations that I would have to deal with after graduation. All I knew was that I was in college, I was having a chill time, and I never wanted it to end. I knew I was able to attend USC because of the Financial Aid that I was given; and I knew that I had signed some “papers” that I was supposed to sign in order to receive this aid. But I did not know what kind of aid I had signed up for, which may or may not have been for my soul.

I was more like an ostrich with its head in the sand when it came to student loans. Eventually, my undergraduate years at USC did come to an end and I was left even more vulnerable, as I did not know what loans I had or who was lending them to me. I did not do my research before hand nor did I seek a trusted source like the USC Credit Union, to help me understand my options.

Before I knew it, I was getting offers in the mail to consolidate my loans. I had no idea how I was supposed to pay back my loans and wasn’t sure of the total amount owed, let alone what a consolidated loan was. I finally got my things together and started to make phone calls that were reliable and informative.

Talk to the right people and make sure consolidation is right for you at this point in time. Is fixing your rate the right answer for you right now? If you don't know, I encourage you to call up USC Credit Union at 213 821-7100 to at least get started in the right direction. The longer you put it off, the harder it may be for you down the road!

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